Section One: Project/Lesson Overview

Grade: 6


Subject: The Blacks in New-Brunswick

Lesson Title:  The Blacks in New-Brunswick

Lesson Description:
Learn facts about the treatments of Blacks people during the early years of the settlers.

Time required: 2 to 3 periods of 40 minutes classes.

Specific Curriculum Outcomes:


6.1.3 Analyze the importance of cross-cultural understanding.

6.2.2 Assess the relationship between culture and environment in a selected cultural Region.

6.5.2 Examine selected examples of human rights issues around the world.

6.6.6 Illustrate an understanding of how cultures from around the world have contributed to the development of Canada’s multicultural mosaic.

Section Two:  Project/Lesson Implementation

Equipment/Materials Required:

  1. Text title: The Blacks in NB
  2. Bristol Board, Pencil and pencil crayon.
  3. Copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Lesson Procedures/Teaching Strategies:

1.       In a brainstorm format, the teacher will ask the students what they already know on how the Black people arrived in our province.


2.       The teacher will provide the document entitle: “The Blacks in New-Brunswick” to the students to read together.


3.       As a general classroom discussion, students will identify areas of unfair treatments that the Black people had to go through went they first arrived in our province.


4.       Reading activity: Students will be handed a copy of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to read quietly in groups. 


5.       Each group will identify which rights of the “Charter of Right and Freedoms” would have been violated during the early days of settlements if there had been one.  Each group will present their work to their classmates.


6.       Each group will develop their own “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” document.  The project will be presented on a Bristol board in which they will have one to two weeks to prepare.


7.       The different groups will present to their peers.


8.       Language Art project: Students will pretend to be the sun or the daughter of a Black slave and their father is going to be sold at a cattle auction.  In a letter to your best friend, student will describe how you feel.


9.       As a final project, Students will create a poster promoting justice towards Black people.  Student should be made aware that February is Black History Month.

Suggested Assessment Strategies:


1.    Use the class discussions and students responses to determine if students have developed a new understanding of the importance of the Black culture to New-Brunswick unique personality.


2.       Teacher observation and review of student’s participation in class discussions.


3.       Teacher observation and review of students understanding of the importance of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the protection of minorities.



4.       Teacher assessment of the different group’s presentations of their own Charter of           Rights and Freedoms.


5.       Teacher assessment of the content of student’s letter


6.       Teacher assessment of the posters promoting justice towards Black people


Section Three:  Project/Lesson Resources

Teacher Generated Resources:  All of the teacher generated resources contributed to support this lesson are available for download by clicking on the link(s) below:



Supplementary Resources:


W.A. Spray, The Blacks of New Brunswick, 1972


Web-Based Resources:


Wikipedia: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms



Activity on Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms





Section Four:  Additional Information


Modifications: NA


Additional Comments: NA

Credits: Élise Cormier


Contact Information Including Name, Email, School and District:

Elise Cormier

Salisbury Middle School, District 2